The Long Game

“The hardest part of an overnight success is the first 10 years.”


It took Lin-Manuel Miranda 7 years to get his first play, In The Heights, from school stage to professional stage (Off-Broadway!). With multiple revisions along the way. By the time Hamilton exploded in the Broadway scene, he already had about 14 years of practice behind his back – writing, revising, and experimenting with scripts and songs.


I’d be lying if I told you that being successful in writing doesn’t matter to me. It does. But the secret to success in any endeavor is to make sure you create your very own definition of it.


“Follow your curiosity” is advice from Elizabeth Gilbert that I took to heart. It resonated with me. For Seth Godin, “Life is projects.” And I think that’s what I’m aiming for.


Writing was something that piqued my curiosity. So I followed it, expecting nothing in return. I continued to follow it. And to be honest, there’s still no return. But the thing is, something happens along the way. A shift in incentives, or drive – the work itself becomes its own reward.


There are times when it gets frustrating no doubt. But other times, the act of weaving words, threading thought after thought and marrying ideas becomes a fulfilling process in and of itself. And when I finally finish writing a piece, or some other project, I can’t help but feel so proud, regardless of whether it gained attention or not. “Wow. I made this!”


And I know I’m not the only one. You may be editing videos, trying out photography, running marathons, hiking long-distance trails, or pursuing the homey craft of latte art. Whatever it is, I know that once you finish something, you just can’t help but smile. Regardless of whether anyone saw or knew what you did, whether it was perfect or akin to a 4-year old’s drawing. If the act itself is reward enough, then keep following it. You might be on the right track.


For me, it’s writing. And even though I have no external measure of outcome or success to show for it, It’s okay. Of course, it gets to me from time to time. But I try to remind myself: I’m playing the long game. Endurance is key, and enjoyment of the process is the strategy.


The outcome will take care of itself, as long as I keep focusing and re-focusing on the process. As long as I keep writing, I know I will improve. The visible outcomes may not be there – yet. But the invisible effects of doing the work is all cumulative, building up. Sight unseen. Until… well… I better not jinx it.


I’m no Lin-Manuel Miranda. And I’m just a few years into this – I’ve got a long way to go. But If I get to enjoy the process regardless of the outcome, and be useful to others along the way, then that’s success, too.




*Smiles after typing that last line* – Thanks for reading. 🙂




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