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The Open Road | Travelogue

The Open Road | Travelogue

It slipped off my mind that today’s drive was across Nevada. And now I’m in the middle of the desert with less than half a tank of gas; but I’ve got time.

Story of the Land: Yosemite

Story of the Land: Yosemite

—It starts with a rumble.

The Long Game

The Long Game

If you’re playing the same game, this one’s for you.

Work-Life Balance, Work-Life Blend, Life Blend

Work-Life Balance, Work-Life Blend, Life Blend

A proposed evolution on how we think about the essence of “Work-Life Balance”

Dear Hard Worker,

Dear Hard Worker,

Unemployed & In Between Projects, Aspiring Hard Worker

The Boy and The Heron And A Semi-Deep Dive Into Logic & Intuition

The Boy and The Heron And A Semi-Deep Dive Into Logic & Intuition

The Boy and The Heron is just a portal here… (it’s not about the film!)

For The First Timers

For The First Timers

Part unoriginal fiction, part non-fiction. It’s a first!

A Day at Tinker Creek | Travelogue

A Day at Tinker Creek | Travelogue

Exploring Dillard’s neighborhood, taking a walk in the woods, contemplating seasons. In Roanoke Valley in Virginia’s Blue Ridge. It’s a winter read kinda thing.