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Chapter 14: Days 58-64, North Carolina to Colorado
Or stay and read before moving on to the Final Part, you’re here now anyway, right?
*This Part is ~3 ‘pages’ in length.
Road Trip Series
Days 58-64
Chapter 14: North Carolina to Colorado
RTS Days 58-64
North Carolina to Colorado
Doughton Park, NC
Day 58: October 18, 2018
Drove the Blue Ridge Parkway today to get to my next campsite. This is it; I’m heading back west tomorrow. But the adventures are not over yet. I’m doing a sprint to get to Denver, Colorado in four days to meet up with some of my friends there. Then to Zion with my family. I’m not quite sure yet what will happen after that.
Camping out tonight and it’s about 30 degrees outside. The sky is clear and the moonlight is strong, but not too overpowering; I can still see the stars and constellations. I see Cassiopeia and The Pleiades. No Orion to be found though. There is a planet visible just to the lower right of the moon. I’m not sure what planet it is, if it is one. It appears to be reddish in color.
Scott Lake, KS
Day 62: October 22, 2018
Haven’t been writing much lately. I’ve been directing my time to other things—reading, thinking, some TV/movie watching, and a lot of driving. I made it to Kansas from North Carolina in four days.
The day after I camped in Doughton Park, I drove a few more miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway. I didn’t finish the whole 400 plus miles of it though. But I must have done at least 300 miles in total for all the days I drove that stretch of road. The views were awesome: rolling hills and endless seas of trees in Autumn state. I was hoping that they would already be at their peak color at this time of the season. But for some reason mostly just the maples have turned color.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately, about my trip, because it’s about to come to an end. Also, I’ve been trying to think about what else I would like to do or see before I finally head home. So I made a list and I’m hoping to get them all crossed off by the time I get home.
Recently, as I was anxiously thinking about the end of my tip, my mind, thankfully, came to good senses and concluded to focus on the flipside: It is not the end of a journey, but rather a step in another direction, a crossing of a border, or a flip of a page leading into the next chapter. That chapter being focusing on designing my life—my life for the time being at least—and applying everything I’ve learned so far, from this trip and before, in order to make that design work and be worthwhile.
11:00pm. Now I’m camped at Scott Lake, Kansas. A state park that I guess is not popular at this time of year. I pitched my tent by the lake, just a few steps away from it, and nobody else is here in this part of the park. Looking at the current itinerary for the remainder of my trip, this might be the last time I’d be camping. So I’m enjoying the solitude. It’s cold outside and I’m in my tent with the door open. I can see the lake from here; the moon is wholly present. Things are quiet and still.
Road Trip Series
Days 58-64
Chapter 14: North Carolina to Colorado
RTS Days 58-64
North Carolina to Colorado
Denver, CO
Day 63: October 23, 2018
This is Colorado part II. Just arrived here in the evening from Scott Lake and got to rent out an Airbnb for just $49/night. I had a relaxing morning earlier by the lake after waking up from 8+ hours of refreshing sleep.
I spend most of my drive times lately just thinking about things. Earlier it was my original idea of a blog, or something like one. I’m still finding it hard to visualize and articulate mostly because it’s not what a typical blog is like and I haven’t really seen anybody do it yet. Maybe there’s one like it already, but I just haven’t stumbled upon it yet. Or maybe it’s up to me to put it out there. Alright then. But I do wonder sometimes whether I should still do it, since I’m seeing more and more this somewhat similar idea presented in different formats, like a podcast, say, or a book. Still, I might have my own way of doing it. I’ll let this idea incubate in the back of my brain and hopefully it stays there and doesn’t go off to find a new host. I just take a lot of time is all.
Oh, I forgot to write about the trees of Wichita. I spent a night in Wichita, Kansas (because Zombieland). I went to a botanical garden there, mostly because I had nothing else to do. That’s when I saw the most colorful trees yet this Fall. These trees weren’t even in the garden, they were just in the parking lot. I stepped out of my car and was immediately awestruck with these trees bursting with colors. I must’ve looked like an idiot walking around the parking lot, staring and taking videos of the surroundings.
I walked around the garden for a bit and, looking at the maples and oaks with their leaves turning color, it suddenly occurred to me that these trees are dying. Well, that’s not right. Their leaves are dying, or at least shedding off, and soon the branches will have to let them go, as they wither and die and fall to the ground. The leaves are dying; but not without first putting on a show. It reminded me of the badlands formations.
Longmont, CO
Day 64: October 24, 2018
Day 64. I drove to Longmont today with the hope of being able to redeem myself from the regret that I have of not saying hello to my idol Mr. Money Mustache when I was here before. But no such luck. I did not get to see him biking around downtown. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to live with that regret and hope that I don’t make the same mistake of letting opportunities like that pass. We’ll be staying here in this part of Colorado for the next few days so who knows, I might still get that second chance. And when I do—shameless mode on. There’s no room for regrets in this game of life—not anymore.
I’m heading out in a bit to the airport to pick DeAnn up. I will be spending the next few days with Harcie and DeAnn so I probably won’t be writing in the meantime. After my days here, I will be doing a long drive from here to Zion to meet up with family. We’ll be there until October 30, Day 70. I’m excited for them to be out in nature, to experience what I’ve been experiencing these past two months. After that, I don’t really know. I could go home, or not. Nothing’s planned yet. I’m keeping all the possibilities open. . . .
Bona fide hustler I’m making my name.
And I’d appreciate your help by sharing!